Sunday, March 16, 2014

Relief Society Birthday Dinner

The Relief Society was organized, March 17, 1842...
Emma Smith was the first president
 We had a delicious lasagna, salad, and roll dinner… & Ice cream sundaes for dessert...

I showed a 5 minute video on being extraordinary… (which I posted in a separate post below)

We then had 16 women in the ward, one for each past RS general president, give a summary of that sister's time in service…It was awesome to learn about each of the sisters…we then played a matching game, matching the sisters with facts from their life… I learned a lot!!  We had such amazing women in the church, involved in the community, politics, some with lots of kids, some with no kids… All faithful women who knew who they were, and lived to follow Heavenly Father's plan for them and for the church!  I'm thankful for their legacy!

At the center of each table were sayings about being extraordinary…
Two of my favorite "extraordinary"quotes...

The take away from the night was a pack of "Extra" gum, with a quote attached that said, 
"The only difference between ordinary and extraordinary, is that little extra."


  1. This is wonderful, thank you for sharing! How can I access the 5 minute video on being extraordinary that you mention?

  2. i'm looking for pictures of the past Stake Relief Society Presidents. I have looked everywhere with no luck. can you tell me where you got that picture, and if there are others?

    Thank you so very much for any help you can give me. sis. Johnson
    Big Piney Ward Wyoming
